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Funding Resources

New York Rising – Community Reconstruction Program
This state program covers up to $350 for repairs and elevation of your structure. Additional funding through this program is also available for Bulkhead repairs

Severe Repetetive Loss:

SBA – Small Business Loan

ICC – If your home or business is damaged by a flood, you may be required to meet certain building requirements in your community to reduce future flood damage. To help with these costs, the NFIP includes Increased Cost of Compliance (ICC) coverage for all eligible properties insured under the Standard Flood Insurance Policy.
Read more about ICC.

New Jersey RIM –  Rehabilitation, Reconstruction, Elevation and Mitigation (RREM) Program


What are Elevation Programs?

The Road Home Elevation Incentive provides $30,000 ($20,000 for mobile homes/trailers) to eligible homeowners as an incentive to elevate their homes to meet the local Base Flood Elevation or Advisory Base Flood Elevation. These funds are limited to the specific dollar amount and not to exceed the Road Home $150,000 maximum. lfyou received funds that are considered by the Federal government to be a duplication of benefits, those funds may be subtracted from the amount you receive as the elevation incentive. The State HMGP award provides up to $100,000 (based on actual construction costs rather than a fixed amount) to eligible homeowners to elevate their homes to meet the local Base Flood Elevation or Advisory Base Flood Elevation. Homeowner eligibility is determined by FEMA based on HMGP regulations on HMGP regulations. For more information, visit the HMGP website at https://www.mitigatela.org.

Who is Eligible?

To be eligible for the Road Home Elevation Incentive, the following must be true:

  • You are eligible for the Road Home program award for home repairs
  • You own a single family home or mobile home. Town homes and duplexes are eligible if owners of adjacent properties agree in writing to elevate using the same contractor .
  • You still own the home that was eligible for the Road Home benefits or facilitated the “Assignment of Rights” to have the prior homeowner’s benefits from the Road Home Program.
  • Your home is located in a floodplain based on FEMA’ s BFE or ABFE maps.
  • You have elected Option 1 -Keep your home
  • You settled all disputes or appeals pending with the Road Home Program, so that an elevation award amount can be accurately calculated
  • You have completed and submitted the elevation grant agreement or VP A indicating you accept the Road Horne elevation award and acknowledging your responsibilities.

You must meet the following minimum criteria in order to be considered for the State HMGP Grant award. FEMA will further determine eligibility. Minimum criteria include:

  • You are an eligible applicant of the Road Home Program
  • You selected Road Home Option 1 – Keep your home
  • You still own the home that was eligible for the Road Horne benefits or you facilitated the “Assignment of Rights” to have the prior homeowner’s benefits from the Road Home Program.
  • Your home is located in a floodplain based on the Advisory Base Flood Elevation or Base Flood Elevation maps.
  • You agree to meet all HMGP regulations as determined by FEMA and all listed in the State HMGP Covenant.

What is the Advisory Base Flood Elevation (ABFE) or the Base Flood Elevation (BFE)?

The ABFE or BFE established the height, relative to the mean sea level, that has a one percent chance or greater of flooding in a given year as determined by FEMA and adopted by your local jurisdiction; whether Parish based or Community under the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP). What is Increased Cost of Compliance funding?

Increased Cost of Compliance (ICC) Grant funding is available to owners of properties that carried flood insurance, are located in a flood plain, and suffered substantial damage or have been repetitively damaged by floods. ICC can be used to pay for any federal mitigation project including home elevation, relocation, and demolition. There have been several changes to ICC in local parishes that have made several homeowners not eligible unless they can prove their home has never been repaired and is still substantially damaged. For more information, contact your local parish authority or the insurance company who issued your flood insurance policy.

How do I get my elevation project funded?

For the Road Home Elevation Incentive, if you haven’t received it to date, your analyst will appeal for those funds once you have submitted a contract with an approved elevation company and your Advance Pa}ment Option is being processed. All other required funding and documents are taken care ofthrough you and our Mitigation Support Team who process the grants to ensure a speedy payment.

How high do I elevate?

This depends on each individual property. Once we obtain your elevation certificate, we will then determine the proper height determined by local flood ordinances and building codes.

What if I received the $30,000 Elevation Incentive and have already spent those funds for repairs, etc?

Before we can access the HMGP Home Elevation Award we must first show that the Road Home Elevation Incentive was forfeited to us to use for the elevation either through a cancelled check or a promissory note. We work with homeowners who spent the money because we understand the importance to take care of our families. This is why we make sure the finance options on our promissory notes are affordable to our homeowners.

Is there anyone I can talk to who can provide additional information about the elevation programs?

lf you have questions about the Road Home Elevation Incentive or the State HMGP Awards call1-877-824-8312 (Road Home Elevation Technical Hotline). TTY users call 711 relay or 1-800-846-5277, or visit the HMGP Website at http:/ /www.mitigatela.org.